Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

Home Page.

Village janala, the village janala valley kekerean is located on the bogor west district rumpin. of my including the village the furthess end or trip of the district after district tenjo and parung parung. Janala is a village that was pretty far from the town or.District, for access to the district was somewhat hard to let alone to go to town or to.Jakarta. It's a few people my hometown who works at the center of the capital of their farm  to fight to the workplace.

Most of the people of my hometown as workers, workers porters transported sand.In cars on the truck big on the curb. (Berakan) is a islah the base.For the loading and unloading material taken from the (sand, seplit, stone, and material other.).As for the their mothers to be a housewife and those who trade in the market and on the curb.

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

This Is May Day


It all started when I finished high school, I graduated with an average grade and allhamdulilah into the category 5 big row of ranks 4 programmed IPA between the two classes. End of June the announcement is still remembered in this memeori, with a happy heart and touched finally all PASS. Of course it does not end there and this is the first step in my life to take a new life, a life that will carry the future and start in an era where I will knit and feel the dreams that exist in my mind and my life. Of course everything is not easy, not that easy and not that glance I did it. And look at the hanging banner above the school entrance gate where it was the day of the "tifeng paturai" parting of class Xll "KNOWING THE MORROWING ASA MORE CEMERLANG" That's a glimpse of the last message from my alma mater SMAN 1 RUMPIN.

End of August exactly where at that moment good luck to meet with me, two months duration akau menuggu where my comrades already menggendol and sat happy to reach college, i and go home along with the thick book didekapan pass through the panoramic panorama of campus environment diuniversitas it. In the morning I was on my way to the summit of Mount Munara Hiking safari camp, my cell phone bordering "hallo ... with Sodara HASAN ASARI, we are from the UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA UNIVERSITE ENTRY GIVING COMMISSION committee informed WELCOME YOU ACCEPTED AS GUNADARMA STUDENTS.

Kuterdiam in a million reveries and my feet like a hard iron can not kugerakan stiff once.senag once heard the news and finally that day not only agenda rutintu every week with friends and ade eskul scout class and nature lover that I guided at the time and happened to agenda dipuncak At that time taking up the promotion for eskul nature lover is taking RIMBA class.

It's so great at the top that I'm grateful and let go of tired diats the roots of the giant tree that I stretch my body while enjoying the cool breeze once touched my body blowing breeze, kubahaigia senagnya open even though I am not acceptable diuniversitas country or ptn faporitku but it does not matter to me , The most important thing for me this year I can gain higher level science in college. And for the coming year and the future. My principle has been cultivated at that time not where I seek knowledge or amended college but how i seek knowledge, all pars darsarnya equally both country and private depends of ourselves who do it and depend from Commitment that we gengnggam to majau and success.

This is where I start a new life that is new and unfamiliar to me, and this is the first step that I have to pass through a million of my hopes and dreams that I have grasped at the moment. Where at that time I was reunited with different people they are foreign to me, they are different tribes, customs and regions, not only different from sekola but here I am reunited as under the ribbon emblem of this country yaiti Indonesia with the word Another BHINEKA SUNG IKA, they are my new friends, where they will be friends of study, college and classmates though. Surprised I heard it outside can also make them all the journey and their struggle no less wow juaga no less great with me. Maybe my destiny and they are the same, and memeng we can not know the line takdirr scratched by the god, and we can only Planning and dreaming but sometimes fate tells others. Lord I say kung fayakun then everything will happen on his will.

Rabu, 19 April 2017

These robotic arms put a five-star chef in your kitchen

Moley created a fully automated intelligent cooking robot that can cook 5 stars chef's meal. This robot can learn recipes, cook all kinds of food and clean up after by themselves. The robot can crack egg, grab utensils and measure liquid because it is equipped with advance robotic
 arms and hands.

    This robot can learn how to cook by using ko motion capture gloves and wristband  much like a video game. This means that people potentially record the movement of other famous chef and have a meal prepared for us indirectly.

Moley recently launched a crowdfunding campaign looking for investors and potential testers of the prototype kitchen to help them improve the robot's ability

Link video :